Wicklund, a pioneer of sea exploration, tells of his adventures under the sea. Diving for science, government, and treasure, he has experienced amazing discoveries, dangers, and thrills. He shares his experiences with the world in this book, containing over 50 photos.
Bob Wicklund shares an insider's view of historic events ... from underwater encounters with Cuban President Fidel Castro to meetings with fish in icy Arctic waters and standoffs with drug smugglers, all share the single element that makes them at once entrancing and enduring they are all true ... some terrifying, some wise, some breakout-laughing hilarious, others painful sagas of loss, both of treasured friends and of treasured places in the sea. Sylvia A. Earle, PhD, Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society, author, documentary film producer, and former Chief Scientist at NOAA
In Eyes of the Sea Bob Wicklund takes you on a voyage into the wonders beneath the waves. His carefully researched and dramatically described expeditions of his underwater adventures is certain to intrigue the readers and make them wish to learn more about the mysteries lurking in the depths, if not incite them to take up diving and see the wonders for themselves. Clive Cussler, bestselling author and the founder of the National Underwater & Marine Agency (NUMA).