Atocha Treasure Adventures: Sweat of the Sun, Tears of the Moon is written by one of the very few people who worked for the Treasure Salvors organization, in the trenches, day after day for almost two decades. Syd Jones started out as a diver, worked his way up to captain of several Fisher salvage vessels, and ultimately took over as the operations manager of the company in later years. He and his wife, KT, were both essential to the daily workings of Mel Fisher's famous salvage company, headquartered in Key West, Florida. This book is a testament for all of us who labor at sea, be it in body or in mind, pursuing lost wealth. Readers will absorb themselves into the complex themes endemic to the relentless race for the mother lode of the Atocha, the richest treasure wreck in the western hemisphere to date. This is a page-turner you won't be able to put down! Contains dozens of previously unpublished photos and eight maps.